Thursday 18 January 2018

New £36,000 400-megapixel Camera📸

Swedish camera manufacturer Hasselblad has announced the H6D-400c, a 400-megapixel camera. 

Building on a vast experience of developing exceptional, high-quality single and multi-shot cameras, Hasselblad once again has raised the bar for image quality captured with medium format system.

Multi-Shot capture has become an industry standard in the field of art reproduction and cultural heritage for the documentation of paintings, sculptures, and artwork. As the only professional medium format system to feature multi-shot technology, Hasselblad continues to be the leading choice for institutions, organizations, and museums worldwide to record historic treasures in the highest image quality possible.

With over 10 years of digital imaging expertise, the latest Multi-Shot digital camera combines the H6D’s unrivalled ease of use with a completely new frontier of image quality and detail. This new camera encompasses all of the technological functions of Hasselblad’s H6D single shot camera, and adds to that the resolution and colour fidelity leaps that only Multi-Shot photography can bring to image capture.

With an effective resolution of 400MP via 6 shot image capture, or 100MP resolution in either 4 shot Multi-Shot capture or single shot mode, the Multi-Shot capture requires the sensor and its mount to be moved at a high-precision of 1 or ½ a pixel at a time via a piezo unit. To capture Multi-Shot images the camera must be tethered to a PC or MAC.

To generate a 400-megapixel picture, the H6D-400c utilises Hasselblad’s Multi-Shot technology to snap four 100-megapixel stills, shifting the sensor by one pixel for each capture. It then takes two more images, moving the sensor by half a pixel.

Finally, the system combines all six stills to form a single 400-megapixel (23,200 x 17,400 pixel) 16-bit TIFF image that weighs in at 2.4GB – so don’t expect to be able to shoot in burst mode whilst on-the-go.

It would be nigh on impossible to do so, in fact, as the H6D-400c has to be tethered to a computer when shooting a 400-megapixel image – the body itself doesn’t have enough power to process the shots without some assistance.

The H6D-400c MS will begin shipping March 2018 with a MSRP of € 39,999 / $ 47,995 / £ 36,250 / RMB 319,999 / JPY 5,391,380 excl. VAT. Pre-orders can start to be taken January 16th. Hasselblad will make the H6D-400C MS available to rent for around $399 per day.

AlphaBay, Dark Web market is shut down❌

US and European police on Thursday announced the shutdown of two huge "dark web"  AlphaBay and Hansa – two of the ...